Hobbygift ~ Twin Lid Large Sewing Box, Iron Pin Cushion, Tape Measure and Scissors in Case ~ Stitch in Time ~ Matching Set
This stylish set is the perfect gift for any stitcher
Twin Lid Large Sewing Box
Size: 18cm x 31cm x 21cm (d/w/h)
Durable hard plastic tray with storage area underneath
Pin cushion and pocket inside lids
Double handles for east carrying
Pin Cushion
Iron shaped fabric covered pin cushion with wooden handle
Size: 6cm x 11cm x 7cm (d/w/h)
Tape Measure
Size: 2cm x 7cm x 7cm (d/w/h)
Scissors in Case
Contains one pair of embroidery scissors
Size: 1cm x 7cm x 13cm (d/w/h)